Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Backpack Essentials: ISLAND VACTION

  1. Backpack

    Not to big that you feel like you are giving someone a piggy back ride, not to small that once you put everything in you break the zipper. 
  2. Sneakers/Bathing suit

    You never know when a hike through the mountains may reveal a secret waterfall or cliff jump or a swim at the beach ignites an inner necessity to climb to the top of a volcano on the neighboring beach.
  3. Small Towel

    Whether hiking, on the beach, or just wandering around town, it will be HOT. Sweat isn't cool. You will be a hot sweaty, salty, mess. Promise.  
  4. Sunscreen  

    Protect Yo self. Protect Yo skin.
  5. Scarf

    Whoa wait what? Its probably not the winter during your trip and even if it is it's probably still warm. I'm not talking about a thick chunky knitted scarf that will cause heat stoke. For this tip you will need a thin, LARGE not necessarily long scarf; one that when you open it up its more like a blanket. Wrap it around yourself and tie the top two corners to the side; instant sarong This will be your swim suit cover up.
  6. WATER

    In terms of biology ocean water (salt water) is a hypo-tonic solution and and you are hyper-tonic solution therefore water will be drawn out of you and into the ocean through the pores of your skin. If you plan hiking in the mountains remember this at higher elevations you urinate more frequently (almost twice as much) therefore you need to drink more than you typical daily amount. Dehydration is avoidable. DRINK WATER.
  7. Snacks

    Since you wont be at home on the computer all day the extra activity might increase frequency of hunger. Avoid HANGER (anger due to intense hunger) its has been known to affect mood, emotion, and patience.
  8. Shades

    Protect Yo self. Protect Yo eyes. (they make you look 23% cooler anyway)
  9. Comb

    That moment that you walk out of the ocean hair tangled in seaweed, dry from the salt and sun and you are expected to go out for lunch. In public. With a curly Afro. Stop the madness and bring a comb or some scissors to tame the nonsense.
  10. Hand Sanitizer/ Anti-Bacterial Wipes

    Whether hiking. on a boat, at the beach or at a museum. You touch things. It's gross. 
    Handle it.
  11. Chapstick

    Protect Yo self. Protect Yo lips.